AMy Cheu
I received my PhD in biology with Dr. Philip Bergmann at Clark University studying the complex relationships between vertebrate form and function. I'm also interested muscle physiology and comparative biomechanics. Although I love all organisms, my primary focus is with lizards and squamates. Check out my "Science" tab for more information on my research and interests!
Aside from research, I am an artist, hoping to integrate science with the visual arts through scientific illustration and science communication. I also highly enjoy general nerdy sci-fi illustration. I use both digital and traditional media with Adobe Photoshop, and oil paints as my favorite.
My other passions include rock and ice climbing, snowboarding, cooking, hiking, camping, crafting things, and chasing lizards. I love winter.
Basiliskos or the basilisk, is a legendary reptile known as the king of serpents with the power to inflict death with a single glance. It is arguably one of the most feared beasts in mythology and its dangerous reputation gives it a strong presence in modern day popular culture. However, apart from mythology, the basilisk is also the common name for a genus of lizards living in the tropical regions of the western hemisphere. I found "Basiliskos" to be the perfect pen name because it combines my love for science fiction with my scientific research.
Farley Ledges, MA | Photo by Emily Wrenn
Women in Ecology and Evolution Podcast |
Featured guest in: Episode “Science is an Art” — LINK
Discussion on interdisciplinary work, and the creative process in art and science.
Off Belay Podcast |
Featured guest in: Episode 6: “Amy Cheu” — LINK
General climbing and conversation on the intersection between historically marginalized people in the climbing and outdoor community.
SICB+ 2021 | Choose your own adventure: Performance and kinematics of multiple climbing and swimming strategies in lizards. — LINK
SICB+ 2022 | Kinematic differences between running on water versus running on land in Anolis sageri — LINK